In the Activism working group, we advocate for social justice, political change, and human rights. Our main focus is on organizing and promoting demonstrations, protest actions, and petitions aimed at raising awareness of important issues and effecting change.
Wir verfassen Reden und Statements, die die Botschaften unserer Aktivismus- und Protestaktionen klar und kraftvoll vermitteln. Die Proteste und Demonstrationen betreuen wir auch vor Ort und unterstützen als Ordner*innen, Awareness-Verantwortliche und übernehmen andere organisatorische Aufgaben, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf zu gewährleisten und die Sicherheit aller Teilnehmenden zu gewährleisten.
We organize petitions to mobilize broad support for specific causes and to exert pressure on decision-makers. 
For these actions, we create posters, posts, and content that we share on social media to maximize participation.
We have already carried out several actions, including being part of Tolerade on multiple occasions. Additionally, we support demonstrations organized by the Pflege Bündnis. These events have demonstrated that joint efforts and collective actions can have a significant impact and motivate us to fight for our values!
In the Activism working group, everyone is welcome who wants to advocate for social justice and political change. Together, we strive for a better world and fight for the rights and needs of all people, especially those who interact with the healthcare system or depend on it as patients.